Argentina Organizes National Blockchain Committee to Implement State Level Strategy – The Argentine government has established a national blockchain group in order to set state-level blockchain adoption guidelines. In a document, Argentina discusses the significance of this technology for the future and proposes numerous use cases that would benefit from the adoption of blockchain for the country’s digital transformation. Increasing numbers of countries are examining how the use of blockchain technology can improve some of their public operations. Argentina has recently released its national blockchain standards.
The document, which was delivered on December 7th, also establishes a national blockchain commission charged with promoting the interoperability of blockchain technology and a good government within the local blockchain ecosystem. The committee will be composed of the Public Innovation Secretariat and other state agencies charged with developing blockchain-based public policy and technological solutions. However, these other entities that are required to participate in the committee are not specified in the given framework.
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The government-issued framework outlines a variety of applications for blockchain technology that could assist state-specific operations. Given the size and extent of various government systems, the first area in which it is anticipated to find application is in auditing. Blockchain is presented as an element that will serve two functions in this regard: aiding citizens in observing how the government invests public funds and centralizing all public operations inside a single framework.
The second area is identification of citizens. The Argentine government believes blockchain could aid in identifying procedures by preventing the forgery of government-issued IDs and other documents. Organizing a framework around blockchain would make it easy for other parties to validate the authenticity of these documents.
There are currently initiatives utilizing blockchain for this aim. As part of a digitization effort, the city of Buenos Aires is now implementing the Tangoid system and expects it to go live in January. As an experiment to examine the inner workings of the cryptocurrency for regulatory purposes, the city will also operate Ethereum nodes.
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